Brooke Schults Photography
As the song says “It’s the most wonderful time of the year”, and we add the “most romantic“, so why not take advantage for couple photo session? Whether it’s an engagement session, or photos for greeting cards or just to have beautiful pictures to be framed, here are some ideas from the web, to take inspiration for a romantic winter photo shoot!
Come dice la canzone ” It’s the most wonderful time of the year” ( è il periodo più bello dell’anno) e noi aggiungiamo “il più romantico”, quindi perché non approfittare per un servizio fotografico di coppia? Che sia per il fidanzamento, o per le cartoline di auguri o per semplicemente avere delle belle foto da incorniciare, ecco alcune idee tratte dal web , da cui prendere inspirazione per un romantico servizio fotografico invernale!
Megan Hartley Photography
Little Keepsakes Photography – Am Photography
Shalem Photography
Somethings go together – Meghan Elliott Photography
Brooke Schultz Photography
Arnold Petrino Melissa McCrotty Photography
Melissa Crotty Photography – Haley Sheffield
Salt water studios
Chris Emeott Photography
Life in the sunset – Matt Clayton Photography
Melissa Crotty Photography – Bokeh Photography
Style me pretty – Ferrante Hoag Kate Wenzel Photography
Front room photography
Megan Heartley Photography